The Finnish Crafts Organization

The Finnish Craft Organization Taito (Taitoliitto) is responsible for the development of the Taito Organization, launches service product development, trains staff, and handles the organization’s government grants and national communications.
In 2020, The Finnish Craft Organization Taito was accredited as an expert organisation under the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Taito cooperates internationally with Nordic and European craft organisations.
For craft enthusiasts and the media, Taito produces craft communication and information and publishes Taito magazine. The annual Craft of the Year is a key part of this visibility of the craft sector.
Craft development and cooperation
The Finnish Craft Organization plays an important role in the development of the craft sector. Crafts are linked to cultural, social and economic policies. It influences craft policy through studies and position papers, contacts with decision-makers and networking with other actors in the sector, and active participation in international and national communities.
The Finnish Craft Organization cooperates closely with several other organizations and the Ministry of Education and Culture in matters related to crafts education and culture. The Federation also works closely with Kulta ry in the field of lobbying.
The Finnish Craft Organization coordinates the distribution and accounting of state subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to the Arts Council and arts associations, and collects statistical data on the activities of the organisation every year.
Internationally, The Finnish Craft Organization works together to strengthen the status and importance of crafts and shares knowledge with other organisations. It cooperates with the Nordic Handicraft Association (NHA) and the European Craft Organization (ECO), among others.
The Finnish Craft Organization can be traced back to the first meeting of the Delegation of the Home Industry in 1913. Taito magazine has been published continuously since 1907.