Taito Organization in Finland

The Finnish Crafts Organization’s 15 regional Taito-associations and their nearly 100 places of business constitute the largest service network for crafts in Finland called Taito Organization. It is an active provider and developer of craft services, promoting craft culture as a skill, a culture and a way of life. Taito Organization is an important player in ensuring that craft skills are preserved and that craft services – courses, advice, guidance and teaching – are available throughout Finland. The nationwide Taito organisation comprises 15 craft associations and more than eighty own branches. It is a major employer. It employs around 200 full-time craftspeople and a large number of part-time workers. In total, the organisation employs more than 600 people.
Crafts for well-being
The slogan of Taito Organization is Crafts = happiness . It shows the importance of crafts in many people’s everyday lives and how handmade products are special.
Almost half of Finns say they do crafts, DIY or construction at least a few times a month.
Crafts as a hobby in Finland – Consumer survey 2024, The Finnish Crafts Organization & Statistics Finland.
For many people, handicrafts are a hobby they love. The joy of learning new things and the experience of success through crafts contributes to people’s sense of well-being. More than half of people who do crafts say the most important thing they get out of it is the relaxing and feel-good feeling it gives them. A culture of sharing and socialising is also important in crafts. Making things together creates a sense of belonging and makes the crafter feel valued as part of the community.
The values of the Taito Organisation
Five themes related to the creation and maintenance of crafts emerge as values for the activities of the Taito Organization.
Creativity is a major opportunity for self-fulfilment, well-being and flexibility.
Skill is a continuous learning process and grows by doing.
Courage is the courage to experiment and try, including in craft.
Entrepreneurship involves taking responsibility for entrepreneurship and employment in the craft sector as a whole.
Responsibility reminds us of sustainability, of caring for the skills of future generations and of respecting equality.
The activities of Taito Organization produce knowledge and maintain a culture of craftsmanship
Skills and their preservation are not self-evident. They need to be nurtured and taught to new generations. Taito Organization provide opportunities to learn new skills, update knowledge and find meaningful activities at different stages of life.
Handicraft skills are an important part of intangible cultural heritage and Finnish identity. New innovations have their roots in traditional techniques, materials and working methods. Shared concerns about climate change and the sustainability of the earth’s carrying capacity have increased interest in learning to make, repair and maintain products themselves. Strong craft skills support an ecological and resource-wise lifestyle. These are the issues that the Skills Association works on every day.
Figures for the activities of the Taito Organization in 2023
- 15 local Crafts Association, three of which are also active in Swedish
- 53 Crafts Centres offering courses and craft advice
- 32 stores
- 1 804 craft courses
- 15 728 participants in courses
- 18 060 guided course hours
- craft courses in 77 locations
- 12 581 participants in short craft workshops, in 45 locations
- 29 406 visits in a workshop where the client can do the activity guided or independently
- 7 941 participants in craft workshops for children and young people in 34 locations
- 1 519 participants in craft camps for children and young people in 45 locations
- 2 651 pupils in Taito Crafts Schools, 28 876 teaching hours
- 280 students students in craft vocational education and training
- 178 participants in rehabilitative work activities
The Ministry of Education and Culture funds the activities of Taito.